Official statement from Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Arthur.

"Today's vote in Parliament on lifting the fees cap is, understandably, deeply unpopular with many of our students and staff, but it is a critically important outcome for the University.  A scenario where deep cuts were imposed without a rise in the cap would have made it impossible for us to give students the world-class education they expect and deserve.

The decision provides us with a sustainable academic and financial future, although we remain concerned about the possibility of a funding shortfall before the higher fees come into effect.

It is now vital that we work even harder to increase participation of students from less well-off backgrounds. The more these students are told they cannot afford higher education, the more they will believe it. We need to be clear that higher education will remain free at the point of use, graduate contributions will be linked to ability to pay and student support will be greater.

The university continues to take its responsibilities in this area very seriously. We will continue to invest in schemes that focus on raising the aspiration and achievement of students from disadvantaged backgrounds."