Remote Access To Modular Compound Store
Mon, 2024-01-12 11:36
The TTP LabTech comPANION provides fast, remote delivery of cherry-picked microtubes to any location up to 15 m away from compound. It generates a rack of 96 microtubes individually selected from the company's comPOUND 100,000-tube store in about nine minutes, processing over 5,000 tubes in a day. comPANION provides an easy interface to a variety of robotic rack handlers, thereby integrating comPOUND into a fully automated screening system. Racks prepared by comPANION can be fed directly into a liquid handler, and then rapidly stored away for later use, minimizing the time samples are exposed. Placing comPANION in an inert atmosphere, from storage at 㪬 C through to plate replication and back again, can contain the entire process, so samples are never exposed to moisture. Scheduling software means that samples can be stored and retrieved overnight or on demand.

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