Bioscience Technology

Product Releases

Four Channel Motorized Adjustable Spacing Pipette
Wed, 2024-09-29 06:48

INTEGRA has announced a new 4 channel version of its Viaflo Voyager electronic pipette designed to serve as an efficient tool for transferring fluids between 24, 48, and 96 well plates as well as tube racks. Featuring one-handed tip spacing adjustment, a touch wheel interface, a full-colour screen and low tip attachment and ejection forces, the new 4 channel Voyager provides efficient transfer of multiple samples between differing labware types without the need for an automated liquid handler. Up to three different tip spacing's can be easily entered and stored by the user and then activated anytime during a pipetting application. Simply press a button to move the tips to desired tip spacing. The 4 channel pipette can be adjusted to accommodate any vessel format between 9.0mm and 32.5mm in diameter. Up until now this task has been limited to single channel pipetting. Now, four transfers can be done at once and Voyager makes it easy requiring only one handed operation. Voyager works exclusively with Viaflo's GripTips which provide a perfect seal every time and won't fall off during use. Two four channel models are available for optimised pipetting of 10uL-300uL and 50uL-1250uL samples. INTEGRA Biosciences / Viaflo Corporation, 603-578-5800,

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