Next-Gen Electrolytic Suppressor for Ion Chromatography
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. introduced the Thermo Scientific Dionex ERS 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor to replace the Thermo Scientific Dionex SRS 300 Self Regenerating Suppressor. The new suppressor minimizes dispersion to deliver higher resolution separations, especially when coupled with the company’s Dionex 4 µm based IC columns. The suppressor permits improved compatibility with a wider range of detection techniques including MS, ICP, ICP-MS etc., due to its improved backpressure resilience. Additionally, the suppressor precludes the need for periodic chemical regeneration, allowing for greater ease of use and reproducibility. Eluent suppression technology allows for a wide variety of inorganic and organic analyses for ion chromatography applications such as environmental, high purity water, semiconductor, high purity chemicals, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and process monitoring. Suppression greatly enhances signal-to-noise ratio by decreasing the background conductivity of the eluent and associated noise while simultaneously increasing analyte conductivity. This product is an electrolytic suppressor with a new hardware design that allows the suppressor to be more pressure tolerant than previous generation suppressor devices. The suppressor flow pathway has been redesigned to optimize band dispersion and improve the flow and sealing properties. The suppressor is truly the next generation in suppression technology, significantly improving ruggedness without sacrificing performance or ease-of-use.
Thermo Fisher Scientific,