DNA Sample Prep Reagent

Featured In: Bioscience Technology Magazine | Sequencing | Reagents

Thursday, October 29, 2024


New England Biolabs offers the NEBNext DNA Sample Prep Reagent Set 1—a set of reagents ideally suited for sample preparation for next-generation sequencing and for preparation of expression libraries. Each of the components must pass rigorous quality control standards and are validated together through construction and sequencing of a genomic DNA library on an Illumina Genome Analyzer II and by construction of an expression library. New England Biolabs, Inc., 800-639-5227, www.neb.com

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Research Exchange

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Cell Based Assays for Studying the Effects of Cytotoxic Agents

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Editorial: One small step for metaplasia, but one giant leap for biomarkers is needed.

1 hour ago

There are 5 to 6 levels of biomarker validation. Those for Barrett's esophagus are currently at level 3, despite small prospective studies. What is ideally required is a very large prospective assessment of biopsies in large cohorts, such as the ASPirin...

Enhanced muscle shortening and impaired Ca(2+) channel function in an acute septic myopathy model.

4 hours ago

Myopathies in critically ill patients are increasingly documented. Various animal models of chronic sepsis have been employed to investigate reduced membrane excitability or altered isometric contractility of skeletal muscle. In contrast, immediate changes...

Characterization of Calcium-Mediated Intracellular and Intercellular Signaling in the rMC-1 Glial Cell Line.

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Retinal Müller glial cells, in addition to providing homeostatic support to retinal neurons, have been shown to engage in modulation of neuronal activity and regulate vasomotor responses in the retina, among other functions. Calcium-mediated signaling in Müller...

Hsp90 Nuclear Accumulation in Quiescence Is Linked to Chaperone Function and Spore Development in Yeast.

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Monitoring Editor: Benjamin S. Glick Hsp90 operates in the context of a multichaperone complex to promote maturation of nuclear and cytoplasmic clients. We have discovered that Hsp90 and the cochaperone Sba1/p23 accumulate in the nucleus of quiescent S....

Prokariotic Cell Collection in Denmark

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I would like to know about a prokariotic cell collection in Denmark. Is there a cell bank in this country? I need a Lactobacillus strain for a fermentation assay and this information about the bank is very helpful for me.

Request for Entries

Oct 16

Ask the Experts is your chance to get the answers to questions on applications, materials, methods, processes, and technologies. Email you question to bst_web@advantagemedia.com, and the editors of Bioscience Technology will find an appropriate expert to answer it. Watch this space in the future to see the questions your colleagues are posting.


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