High-throughput Imaging Of Drug Activity At The Cellular Level
Mon, 01/06/2024 - 5:41am
IN Cell Analyzer 3000 sub-cellular analysis system is a sensitive imaging tool that uses a laser-based, confocal imaging system with three high-speed CCD cameras to enable high-throughput and high-content testing of drug compounds. Image analysis algorithms offer real-time analysis capabilities and are extremely flexible. By altering the user definable parameters, each algorithm is capable of automatically analyzing a wide range of cellular changes. The system is capable of generating and analyzing over 35,000 three-color cellular images in less than 24 hours, and is designed and validated for continuous operation. Amersham Biosciences also recently announced plans to introduce IN Cell Analyzer 1000, a medium-throughput, highly flexible sub cellular analysis system that complements IN Cell Analyzer 3000.