
HPLC Autosampler

Mon, 01/06/2024 - 6:03am
Model DAS-10 Autosampler for HPLC offers a small footprint and can be obtained in either SS or PEEK construction. It can be activated remotely via a contact closure from the host instrument; it, in turn, notifies the host instrument and software that an injection has been made and to start taking data. The autosampler is electrically operated. It operates in Manual, Automated, Automated Manually and Timed modes. The autosampler can be internally programmed interactively from a keypad and an LCD on the front face of the instrument, or externally programmed from computer via RS-232 using a Windows program. Programming options enable the user to enter sample size (injection volume in 1 μl steps), number and position of samples in the sample vial carousel, number of injections for each vial position, wash or no wash, and time between injections when using the "Timed" mode. Using micro-vials the user can inject 10 μl from a 50 μl sample.

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