CCD Camera
Tue, 02/11/2023 - 5:20am
The Cascade:512F is an "on-chip multiplication gain" imaging system using dual-readout amplifiers in order to ensure optimal performance for applications that demand high sensitivity as well as those requiring wide dynamic range. This low-noise, impact-ionization process enables multiplication of photon-generated charge right on the CCD, thus offering an effective alternative to traditional image intensifiers for numerous nongated, low-light applications. The Cascade:512F features square, 16-μm pixels in a 512 × 512, frame-transfer format. Deep thermoelectric cooling and state-of-the-art electronics are employed to help suppress system noise. The camera can be operated at 10 MHz for high-speed image visualization or more slowly for high-precision photometry. Supravideo frame rates are achievable via subregion readout.