
Soil DNA Isolation

Tue, 04/08/2024 - 9:51am
The UltraClean-htp™ 96 Well Soil DNA Kit purifies cellular or microbial genomic DNA from 96 soil samples at one time. The kit efficiently lyses microbes, spores or fungi utilizing bead beating technology on a high-velocity shaker. Released DNA is bound to a silica spin filter plate, washed and eluted. The hands-off bead beating homogenization method allows for 96 samples to be processed in just 1.5 hours. Yields are provided of up to 20 μg per well of high quality DNA (A260M/A280 ratio = 1.8-2.0) that is greater than 50 kb in length. A novel Inhibitor Removal Solution is incorporated that effectively removes humic acids, which inhibit PCR applications. The kit has been tested with a large variety of soil types including clay, sand, forest and potting soil.

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