
Stealth 3 Pins and Corresponding Microarrays

Tue, 04/08/2024 - 9:53am
(Top panel) Shown is an SMP3 Pin with a regular uptake channel (top left), an SMP3B Pin with a "bubble" uptake channel (top center), and an SMP3XB Pin with an "extended bubble" channel (top right). The SMP3, SMP3B and SMP3XB pins load 0.25 μl, 0.60 μl and 1.25 μl of sample, respectively, allowing users to specify loading volumes and the number of spots per loading. The space bar equals 200 μm. (Bottom panel) Microarrays printed with an SMP3 pin (bottom left), an SMP3B pin (bottom center), and an SMP3XB pin (bottom right). The SMP3 pin produces 200 spots of 110 µm diameter, the SMP3B pin produces 510 spots of 120 μm diameter, and the SMP3XB pin produces 780 spots of 130 μm diameter. The sample was a 500 fmole/μl solution of Cy3-labeled oligonucleotide in 1× Micro Spotting Solution (MSS) printed on a SuperAldehyde Substrate (SMA) at 18 C, 50% relative humidity and 150 μm spacing using a PixSys 5500 robot (Cartesian). Printed microarrays were scanned at 80% PMT and 90% laser power on a ScanArray Express (PerkinElmer) and the .tif data were coded to a rainbow palette. The space bar equals 450 μm.

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