Product Releases

Genotyping LIMS

Mon, 03/19/2007 - 12:27pm

Illumina’s (San Diego, CA) Laboratory Information Management System is a fully automated program developed for genotyping processing. This LIMS system is an integral part of Illumina’s GoldenGate and Infinium Whole-Genome Genotyping system for whole-genome association studies, sample tracking, workflow management, and overall project management. LIMS validates and physically enforces sample, reagent, and assay protocol processing (Positive Identification (PosID)) so that labeling and logistic errors are eliminated. Direct communication with automation robots enforces PosID, provides automatic robotic sample processing, and control of the AutoLoader robot for unattended load/scan operation. Signal data files are fed back to LIMS for storage. Role-based management interface enables project/lab managers and lab technicians to access different project aspects with extensive report generation. LIMS provides 1.5 terabytes for image storage and 700 GB for database storage. BeadStudio software, when combined with or linked to LIMS, seamlessly controls the automation process and provides data analysis with visualization tools for genotyping applications. This can be especially helpful when researchers are reviewing project specific data.

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