High-Throughput Colony-Picking Workcell
RapidPick fully automated high-throughput colony-picking workcell (Hudson Control Group, Springfield, NJ) allows researchers to automate the selection and growth of cells grown on a colony plate, and will retain a record and image of the specific colony and which plate/well it inoculated. An unbroken data path can be established from original colony to final result. The system has an input capacity of 72 deep-well culture plates and a throughput rate of 6000 colonies per hour. Complete integrated operation is provided for products like Liconic's STX 40 robotic incubator, which automates the entire culture outgrowth process; with Hudson's RSH 4000 gas-permeable seal applicator; and with an integrated dispenser to apply fresh media to growth plates immediately before inoculation. A Barcode Scanner is incorporated. Softlinx software facilitates interfacing with other automated instruments for seamless process control.