Product Releases

Spectrofluorometer, UV To Near-IR Wavelengths

Fri, 06/22/2007 - 7:42am

FluoroMax-4 features a sensitivity of at least 400,000 cps for the water-Raman peak at 397 nm, and a signal-to-noise ratio of 3000:1 minimum. An ozone-free xenon arc lamp covers UV to near-IR wavelengths. Optional accessories include: automatic polarizers, a stopped-flow device for kinetics, the MicroMax 384-well plate reader, an autotitrator, temperature baths and Peltier heating/cooling for sample temperatures from the very hot down to cryogenic ranges, multiple-sample holders, a variety of cuvettes down to microliter capacity, and fiber-optic bundles for remote or in vivo measurements. For rapid fluorescence-lifetime measurements, an optional TCSPC (time-correlated single-photon counting) accessory with interchangeable, intense, pulsed NanoLED solid-state sources covers wavelengths from 265 nm through the near-IR.

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