Product Releases

Deepwell Plates

Mon, 07/23/2007 - 7:00am

Eppendorf Plates Deepwell 96 and 384 feature the RecoverMax well design, which maximizes sample recovery and minimizes contamination risk, as well as OptiTrack alphanumeric coding, which makes it easy to identify individual wells and reduces errors. The raw materials and production process used ensure purity and stability, and compatibility with centrifuges and automated equipment. Plates 96/500 µl, 96/1,000 µl, 96/2,000 µl and 384/200 µl are available in white, yellow, red, green and blue as well as standard, sterile, DNA/RNA LoBind and Protein LoBind quality formats (96/2,000 µl available in only standard and sterile formats).

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