Product Releases

Disposable Plastic Hemocytometer

Mon, 07/23/2007 - 6:59am

The C-Chip disposable plastic cytometer is offered for manual cell and particle counting. Lightweight, scratch-proof and unbreakable quartz-grade optical plastic features an embedded Neubauer Improved (NI) grid pattern. Each grid pattern has nine large squares each measuring 1 × 1 mm and a total counting area of 3 × 3 mm. Two precision engineered counting chambers (100 µm depth) with integrated coverslip each have a separate port for sample loading. The design reduces the risk of contamination and exposure to potentially infectious material and increases productivity by eliminating cleaning and reusing. Each C-Chip is individually packaged. Primary cell counting applications include hematology, tissue culture, microbiology and IVF, IUI.

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