Product Releases
CRAIC Technologies introduced the automated version of its flagship product: . This system is designed to be fully programmable with touchscreen controls so that it can automatically analyze microscopic samples with UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy and microscopy. Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of samples can be done by absorbance, reflectance and fluorescence, from deep into the UV to far into the near-infrared. Applications include contamination analysis of hard disk components, thin film measurement of semiconductors, microcolorimetry of flat panel displays and quality control of pharmaceuticals. With multiple spectroscopic techniques, high resolution UV, color and NIR microscale imaging and advanced automation, the system is the cutting-edge micro-analysis tool for any laboratory or manufacturing facility. The automated microspectrophotometer integrates the company’s advanced Lightblades spectrophotometer technologies with a custom built UV-visible-NIR microscope and powerful, easy-to-use software. Incorporating fully programmable automation features, touchscreen controls and advanced software control, this flexible instrument is designed to acquire data from microscopic samples by absorbance, reflectance or even emission spectroscopy. By including high-resolution digital imaging, the user is also able to use the instrument as an automated UV, color and NIR microscope. Sophisticated software, ranging from image analysis, spectral analysis, film thickness determination and even colorimetry are all available to enhance the capabilities of the automated microspectrophotometer.
CRAIC Technologies, 1-310-573-8180,