Product Releases
Mystaire released its Aura ductless chemical fume hoods. Each Aura ductless fume hood has advanced safety monitoring and controls. EverSafe II microprocessor safety controller monitors and adjusts fume hood face velocity to the user preset value. EverSafe II keeps the Aura face velocity ideal for containment of potentially toxic gases and vapors. Aura has been ASHRAE 110 tested and provides containment from toxic fumes and vapors. Filtrak positive filter sealing system is installed in each Aura ductless hood. This cam-driven filter sealing system has a built-in filter position indicator and alerts the end user if the filtration bed is not properly sealed. Filtrak provides safe and easy filter maintenance and replacement. Aura ductless fume hoods are available in 30, 42 and 54 inch widths. ESD models are available for applications involving volatile chemicals.
Mystaire Inc., 877-328-3912,