Enterovirus Monoclonal Antibodies
Enteroviruses are a diverse group of RNA viruses including Poliovirus, Rhinoviruses, Coxsackie A & B viruses, and Echoviruses. Most are acquired via the fecal-oral route and exhibit symptomologies from the common cold and conjunctivitis to myocarditis, sepsis and flaccid paralysis. The most recently discovered members of this genus are now just numbered such as EV68, EV70, EV71 etc. ViroStat has released a broadly reactive monoclonal antibody that reacts with many of these viruses. This new pan-reactive monoclonal antibody is positive for all 27 Enteroviruses tested to-date. ViroStat has also released specific monoclonal antibodies to EV70 (conjunctivitis) and EV71 (hand, foot and mouth disease).
ViroStat, Inc., 207-856-6620, www.virostat-inc.com