Product Releases

Single-base Resolution Sequencing Kits

Mon, 04/28/2014 - 2:28pm


Cambridge Epigenetix launched TrueMethyl kitsCambridge Epigenetix launched TrueMethyl kits. TrueMethyl provides quantitative, accurate and repeatable single-base resolution sequencing of the modified bases hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) and methylcytosine (5-mC). Early studies indicate that these modifications may have distinct and important physiological functions. Traditional bisulfite sequencing cannot discriminate between 5-hmC and 5-mC. Recent studies have shown that at some sites in the genome the level of 5-hmC can be comparable to the level of 5-mC, emphasizing the importance of identifying these variants accurately. The TrueMethyl kits utilize oxidative bisulfite sequencing (oxBS-Seq), a chemistry-based technology invented by Prof. Shankar Balasubramanian and Michael Booth from the University of Cambridge. TrueMethyl kits can be used with a variety of common platforms including next generation sequencing systems, methylation arrays, and targeted assays.

Cambridge Epigenetix Ltd., 800-754-5916,


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