Microsampler for Collection, Transport, Storage and Analysis
Neoteryx LLC, a new technology spin-off of Phenomenex, Inc., offers the Mitra (RUO) Microsampling Device for the collection, transport, storage, and analysis of biological fluids. In seconds, the research-use-only Mitra microsampler consistently collects 10 µL of fluid while eliminating the volumetric blood hematocrit bias typically associated with the dried blood spotting technique. Mitra is used for a wide range of biological sampling applications from early drug discovery and development to clinical trials and is offered in two formats including an automation-friendly option for high-throughput environments.
Based on proprietary Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling (VAMS) technology, the patent-pending Mitra (RUO) Microsampling Device is attuned to biological fluid collection needs. The design features facilitate high-throughput and serial sampling, fluid draws from live hosts or tubes, and the ability to collect precise microsamples with limited training and no specialized lab equipment. Once samples are collected, the Mitra microsampler is dried, stored, and transported under ambient conditions eliminating the need for laborious and expensive processing steps and transportation needs. To prepare samples for analysis, a simple and automatable extraction is performed with common solvents.
The Mitra (RUO) Microsampling Device is available in two useful formats– 96-well plate for high-throughput environments such as discovery labs and for method development, as well as a 4-pack clamshell, which is well suited for clinical trials, direct sampling, and at-home or remote location sampling to support drug research and development.
Neoteryx LLC, www.phenomenex.com/mitra