ZFM Intelligent Mass Flow Meters
Aalborg Instruments’ ZFM Mass Flow Meters combine meter intelligence, user convenience, and outstanding flow performance.
They are designed for multi-gas/multi-range functionality up to 8 bar (currently 6 gases) and standard accuracy of ± (0.5% RD + 0.2% FS) based on actual calibration. By connecting the instrument to the RS232/RS485 port of a PC or lap-top and running free “ZFM Configuration Utility” software, the user can select different gas types and flow ranges within a few minutes without removing the instrument from the installation.
ZFM Design Features:
Extensive self-diagnostics with status LED or OLED (optional) indication
Automatic sensor zero offset adjustment (digital interface or local push button)
Digital interface (RS-232 or RS-485) test/configuration port (optional Modbus RTU with isolated RS-485 transceiver)
Two programmable otalizers
Full scale covered flow ranges from 3.5 sml/min to 10 sl/min in seven models
Selectable analog 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, or 4-20mA outputs
Universal 14-24 Vdc power supply input
ZFM User Features:
Save time and money by on-site rescaling of your instruments to the desired gas and full scale range. Currently, the following gases are supported: N2, Air, O2, Argon, Helium, and CO2. Save installation, instrument removal from the factory floor, and recalibration service costs which are no longer applicable. OEMs can significantly reduce the number of instruments kept in stock, storage space, and ownership costs.
Aaloborg Instruments, 1 (800) 866-3837, www.aalborg.com