Software Simplifies Material Measurements for Magnetocaloric Effect
Lake Shore Cryotronics, an innovator in solutions for measurement over a wide range of temperature and magnetic field conditions, has released a software analysis program that enables researchers to quickly calculate the magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity of magnetocaloric effect (MCE) candidate materials from the measured isothermal M(H) and isofield M(T) magnetization curves that are recorded using Lake Shore VSMs.
Offered in a free beta trial version for new and existing Lake Shore 7400 or 7300 Series VSM users, the software simplifies the process of making MCE calculations while making it much easier to prepare the measuring protocol.
The program seamlessly imports isothermal and isofield magnetization curve data from the VSM system's data acquisition software and then, using that data, calculates relevant magnetocaloric parameters. As a result of these automated calculations, researchers can then quickly assess a candidate material for magnetic entropy change (peak values, full width at half maximum) as well as refrigerant capacity, choosing from three widely accepted definitions.
Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc., 614.891.2243,