Add-ons Provide Better, Deeper Imaging
LaVison BioTec has upgraded its UltraMicroscope and TriM Scope II intra-vital two-photon microscopes with multiple new developments. One is a beam multiplexer for two-photon laser scanning microscopes to generate a four foci line pattern in the specimen. The Horizontal 2-Photon Microscope is an add-on for both microscopes that allows sample rotation by 360°. The advantage of sample rotation is that imaging from the side into the sample and rotation of the sample by 180° doubles the penetration depth. In addition, the Horizontal 2-Photon Microscope enables a good resolution in all dimensions and the possibility of tomographical reconstruction.
The 2-Photon Laser-Scanning Rotational Microendoscope has a long tip (<18 mm) with an objective lens that focusses excitation light into the back focal plane of a thin rod lens. This, in turn, focusses the light into the sample and allows different imaging modes: 3-D volume acquisition and 360° panorama view. By placing the microendoscope tip in the sample, it is possible to image deeper into the tissue. This means it overcomes the limitation of the penetration depth in standard in vivo imaging and enlarges the imaging volume by one order of magnitude. Multi Immersion objectives designed for the modular systems suit different refractive indices ranging from water (RI=1.33) to benzyl ether (RI=1.56). These LVMI-Fluor objectives can operate in both organic solvents and aqueous buffers. The microscopes can be used with diverse clearing protocols to allow in vivo imaging to cleared tissue imaging.
LaVison BioTec , +49 (0)521 915139-0,