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Automated Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction

Promega announces the release of the Maxwell 16 Viral Total Nucleic Acid Purification Kit. The Maxwell 16 MDx System from Promega provides consistent automated viral nucleic acid extraction.

Superresolution Microscopy

With ELYRA, Carl Zeiss is introducing a product family that allows the superresolution PAL-M and SR-SIM microscopy techniques to be comprehensively used and individually combined. This enables scientists in biomedical research to image cellular structures marked with fluorescent dyes with maximum spatial resolution below the classic diffraction limit of microscopes, i.e. under 200 nanometers.

Mixer Series Includes Nutating Mixer

PRO Scientific’s PRO Lab Plus Series includes the VSN-5 nutating mixer, the VSM-3 vortex mixer, the VSR-50 variable speed rocker, the VSOS-4 digital programmable orbital shaker as well as the company’s new HPS-7 hot plate stirrers.

0.5 mL Centrifugal Filters

Millipore introduced the new Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL filter, the newest in the Amicon Ultra line of centrifugal filters for protein concentration and buffer exchange. Offering 25- to 30-fold concentration with 90% recovery rates in as little as ten minutes of centrifugation, the Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL device provides high recovery with the fast spin times.

Protein Detection System Produces Western Blots

Millipore launched the SNAP i.d. protein detection system that allows researchers to produce high quality Western blots in 22 minutes. The SNAP i.d. system is compatible with all membrane types and detection methods, such as chemiluminescence and fluorescence.

High-throughput PCR Plate

The Thermo Scientific ABgene Diamond Ultra 384-well PCR plate is designed for scientists working in high-throughput robotic applications. The proprietary polymer used in the manufacture of the ABgene Diamond Ultra PCR plate is warp resistant.

Circular Chart Recorder

Omega’s new series of microprocessor-based, portable, universal, circular chart superecorders come in four different models, temperature and relative humidity, dual thermocouple, dual process, and pH and RTD temperature models.

PCR Decontamination Workstation

The PCR Workstation from Hoefer provides effective decontamination of solutions, reagents, and equipment before carrying out sensitive PCR reactions, particularly when amplifying DNA fragments that are either in limited supply or low copy number.

Microfluidic Perfusion for Live Cell Imaging

CellASIC introduces the ONIX Microfluidic Perfusion System, delivering a new method to culture live cells on a microscope stage for time-lapse experiments. Microfluidics enable precise perfusion changeover between media solutions, up to 16 parallel experiments for data collection, and CO2/temperature control.

Automated Solution for Live Cell Assays Under Shear Flow

The BioFlux System from Fluxion provides an automated, high throughput solution for live cell assays under controlled shear flow.


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Neuroscience Diseases of The Brain and How The Mind Emerges

Neuroscience Diseases of The Brain and How The Mind Emerges

Nov 8 2009

Dennis Choi, director of Emory Universitys Neuroscience Center, is renowned for his groundbreaking research on brain and spinal cord injury.


Allen Institute for Brain Research

Allen Institute for Brain Research

Oct 14 2009

Discussed in this interview are both the mouse brain project and the human cortex project with an emphasis on the importance of these projects to neuroscience research.
