
Inside Google's Secretive Life Sciences Lab

Thu, 01/29/2015 - 4:11pm
Ryan Bushey, Associate Editor

The Atlantic’s James Hamblin posted a new video, which showed his visit to the life sciences division of Google’s secretive research lab, Google X. The Atlantic is the first outlet to make a video from inside the facility.

At Google X some of the world’s top scientists are working on projects that could drastically revolutionize healthcare such as a pill that can detect cancer and a spoon that steadies tremors in people with Parkinson’s.

One of the new experiments the video unveiled is synthetic skin. The researchers devised this project to develop a better understanding of how light filters through various colors and thickness of skin, so they could improve an armband the company is working on that would find cancer via glowing nanoparticles in a person’s skin. In the video a prototype is sitting on the table between Hamblin and Andrew Conrad, head of Google Life Sciences.

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