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Featured In: RNases
10 Tips for Successful Sample Concentration and Buffer Exchange
Nov 6
Centrifugal devices with ultrafiltration (UF) membrane can solve common problems researchers face when working with proteins.
Meeting the Challenges of Long-term Time-lapse Imaging
Oct 26
Recent technological developments in the sequence capture of cellular events through a light microscope can be combined to image multiple independent experiments automatically, with many advantages.
Handle With Care
Aug 26
Researchers face the dual challenges of difficult to handle and hard to maintain stem cells.
Six Tips for More Successful Cell Cultures
Aug 18
For those who perform cell culture experiments, it pays to be meticulous. Even seemingly minor handling techniques and lab equipment features can make a difference in achieving success.
The Future of the FDA: Operating in an Electronic World
Oct 12
Acording to an Axendia reseach study, the FDA is currently shifting its organizational and technology infrastructures to facilitate electronic interactions with the companies it regulates.
Tissue Microarrays - Opening up new opportunities in the Therapeutics sector
Tissue Microarray has become a pivotal cog in the wheel for high throughput studies and is an integral part in the validation process for screening results from discovery platforms for expression studies using various approaches.
De Novo Formula Generation with Sub-ppm Confidence
Novel technology embodied in the micrOTOF allows precise measurement of both accurate mass and True Isotopic Pattern (TIP) over a wide dynamic range, allowing for the implementation of an open access system.
PLA 2.0 Software for Analyzing - Parallel-Line and Parallel-Logistic Assays
Biological or potency assays are frequently analyzed with the help of the parallel-line or parallel-logistic (4 or 5 parameter fit) methods. These methods have major advantages over traditional single-point assays.
Mechanisms of plasticity in simple taxis behaviors in Drosophila
5 hours ago
Like the proverbial moth drawn to the candle flame, the fruit fly Drosophila also stereotypically approaches light sources. This positive phototaxis is the archetypal example of hard-wired input-output behaviors.
Live cell imaging of mutant and wild-type GABA-A receptor trafficking using a novel reporter protein
Efficient signaling in the brain requires precise regulation and targeting of cell surface ion-channels. Mutations in these channels associated with inherited diseases can cause improper targeting and reduced surface expression.
ADP-Glo™: An Ideal Approach to Monitor the Activity of Protein Kinases and Beyond
Oct 16
Because of its versatility (alltypesofsubstrates), robustness (Z’>0.8), rapidperformance, and its ease of use, the luminescence based Kinase Glo® assay platform has gained wide acceptance in many drug screening programs for protein kinase inhibitors.
A Cell-Based, Microplate Format, DELFIA Assay for Determination of the Activation of MAP KinaseSofia
Mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPK) are activated in response to extracellularsignals or cellular stress. We have set up a cell-based DELFIA®Time-Resolved Fluorescence assay to test compounds or conditions for their ability to modulate cellular stress by the activation of MAPK.
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MEK inhibitors potentiate dexamethasone lethality in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells through the pro-apoptotic molecule BIM.
Nov 7
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are common components of many chemotherapeutic regimens for lymphoid malignancies. GC-induced apoptosis involves an intrinsic mitochondria-dependent pathway. We and others have shown that BIM (BCL-2 interacting mediator of cell death), a BH3-only...
Animal models for clinical and gestational diabetes: maternal and fetal outcomes.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Diabetes in pregnant women is associated with an increased risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity and remains a significant medical challenge. Diabetes during pregnancy may be divided into clinical diabetes and gestational diabetes. Experimental models...
Influence of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (efavirenz and nevirapine) on the pharmacodynamic activity of gliclazide in animal models.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes may occur as a result of HIV infection and/or its treatment. Gliclazide is a widely used drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Efavirenz and nevirapine are widely used non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment...
Kidney transplant in diabetic patients: modalities, indications and results.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a disease of increasing worldwide prevalence and is the main cause of chronic renal failure. Type 1 diabetic patients with chronic renal failure have the following therapy options: kidney transplant from a living donor, pancreas after kidney...
Prokariotic Cell Collection in Denmark
I would like to know about a prokariotic cell collection in Denmark. Is there a cell bank in this country? I need a Lactobacillus strain for a fermentation assay and this information about the bank is very helpful for me.
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Findings show nanomedicine promising for treating spinal cord injuries
10 hours ago
Scientists visualize how bacteria talk to one another
Indiana U. at APHA: Studies about health education for people with ID, stability balls at work
23 hours ago
Nature's Sunshine lawsuit settled for $6 million
Pa. barber celebrates 50 years of cutting hair
Obituaries in the news
Recalls: Anesthetic medications
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GE Healthcare collaborates with USP Hospitales in Spain, and Federico II, University of Naples in Italy, to evaluate latest ultrasound innovation
Nov 5 | News
Sigma-Aldrich Announces SAGE Priority Partners Program; Seeks Researchers to Evaluate New Knockout Rat Models
QIAGEN and British Veterinary Laboratories Agency Expand Partnership in Veterinary Testing
Cisbio Bioassays Strengthens Presence in Asia
Thermostable RNase H
Dec 17 2007
Double-Stranded RNA Fragment Creation
Jan 6 2003
Protector RNase Inhibitor
Feb 11 2003
Dec 17 2007 | Products
Feb 11 2003 | Archive
Jan 6 2003 | Archive
Magazine and E-mail Newsletters
Frontiers in Bioscience Learning and Memory Video
Oct 6
How does the brain learn and remember? An academic conference "Frontiers in Bioscience Learning and Memory" was held at City University of Hong Kong on June 16th.
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Allen Institute for Brain Research
Oct 14
Discussed in this interview are both the mouse brain project and the human cortex project with an emphasis on the importance of these projects to neuroscience research.
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