Scientists Reveal How the Brain Generates Respiratory Rhythm
April 20, 2024 10:28 am | by Drexel University | News | CommentsBringing a steady supply of fresh air to the lungs can seem like a simple task, but breathing is a careful orchestration of brain and body. Now scientists have introduced a new concept of how the brain is involved in this essential function, providing new insight into how breathing disorders could be treated in the future.
Better Preemie Pain Relief Sought Amid New Call for Action
April 20, 2024 10:21 am | by Lindsey Tanner, AP Medical Writer | News | CommentsIt happens every day to the most vulnerable infants in hospital intensive care units: fragile babies born way too soon are poked, prodded and jabbed as part of medical care meant to help them survive - and it can be heart-wrenching to watch.
How Did Human Paired Limbs Evolve? Study Targets Role of Gill Arch in Fish
April 20, 2024 10:17 am | by Marine Biological Laboratory | News | CommentsSharks, skates, and rays are oddities among the fish: They have appendages growing out of the gill arch, a small cradle of bones that supports the gills. This anatomical peculiarity has led to the proposal that the paired limbs of humans, and before that the paired fins of fish, evolved from the transformation of gill arches in early fish.
Genetic Variants Linked to Well-being, Depression, Neuroticism Identified
April 20, 2024 9:28 am | by Bevin Fletcher, Associate Editor | News | CommentsAn international team of scientists has performed a genome-wide analysis on nearly 300,000 individuals, in one of the largest genomic studies on behavioral genetics to date, and identified genes connected to subjective well-being, depressive symptoms and neuroticism.
Scientists Identify People’s “BrainPrint” with 100 Percent Accuracy
April 20, 2024 9:17 am | by Bevin Fletcher, Associate Editor | News | CommentsA new study from Binghamton University suggests brain waves can be a highly accurate way to identify individuals. The so-called “brainprint” could be a promising next-generation biometric.
UHPLC Columns Provide Advanced Separation Power
April 19, 2024 9:55 am | by Thermo Fisher Scientific | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Product Releases | CommentsResearchers working with complex samples can now benefit from new UHPLC columns that are designed to provide advanced separation power, speed of analysis and throughput. The new Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC columns are the latest addition to the Vanquish family and are specifically designed to complement the high performance Vanquish UHPLC systems.
New Autism Research: A Nutrient Called Carnitine Might Counteract Gene Mutations Linked with ASD Risks
April 19, 2024 9:46 am | by Vytas A. Bankaitis and Zhigang Xie, The Conversation | News | CommentsScientists decided to take a closer look at mutations in one of the genes associated with ASD, called TMLHE, which is required for a critical chemical reaction that lets cells burn fat molecules to produce energy. They wanted to understand how a TMLHE mutation could increase autism risk and whether they could counteract the effect of the mutation.
New Optogenetic Tool Moves Proteins Within Cells to Study Biological Changes
April 19, 2024 9:36 am | by UNC | News | CommentsScientists have developed a way to embed light-responsive switches into proteins so that researchers can use lasers to manipulate protein movement and activity within living cells and animals.
Bubble Technology Shoots Cancer Drugs Deep Into Tumors
April 19, 2024 9:26 am | by Nanyang Technological University | News | CommentsScientists have invented a new way to deliver cancer drugs deep into tumor cells. They create micro-sized gas bubbles coated with cancer drug particles and iron oxide nanoparticles, and then use magnets to direct these bubbles to gather around a specific tumor.
Ultrasound-based Technique Could ID Concussions on the Sidelines
April 19, 2024 9:20 am | by Michelle Taylor, Editor-in-Chief, Laboratory Equipment | News | CommentsAs increased funding and research try to hit back at the long-term consequences of concussions, new technology presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting this week may provide a way to answer at least some questions.
Study Backs Pancreas Cell Transplants for Severe Diabetes
April 19, 2024 9:16 am | by Lauran Neergaard, AP Medical Writer | News | CommentsTransplants of insulin-producing pancreas cells are a long hoped-for treatment for diabetes - and a new study shows they can protect the most seriously ill patients from a life-threatening complication of the disease, an important step toward U.S. approval.
Liquid Biopsy Shows Promise for Breast Cancer Patients
April 19, 2024 8:56 am | by Bevin Fletcher, Associate Editor | News | CommentsA simple blood test could have the potential to replace an invasive biopsy in breast cancer patients, according to positive results from a University of Southern California study presented Monday at The American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2016.
Robust Microplate for Genomics Sample Preparation
April 18, 2024 9:37 am | by Porvair Sciences | Product Releases | CommentsDesigned with thickened walls and strengthened ribs underneath to stop cracking or leaking when used in Geno/Grinder or Tissulyser machines the robust 96-well 2ml deep well Genomics Sample Preparation Plate sets a new standard for high throughput genomics sample preparation.
Scientists ID Gene Behind Rare Childhood Syndrome
April 18, 2024 9:32 am | by UCSF | News | CommentsThanks in part to the efforts of one dedicated mother, who took to Facebook to document her son’s mysterious developmental disability, an international team has identified a new genetic syndrome that could help illuminate the biological causes of one of the most common forms of intellectual disability.
Too Much 'Noise' Can Affect Brain Development
April 18, 2024 9:21 am | by University of California Irvine | News | CommentsUsing cutting-edge imaging technology, biologists have determined that uncontrolled fluctuations (known at "noise") in the concentration of the vitamin A derivative Retinoic acid (RA) can lead to disruptions in brain organization during development.