Bioscience Technology

Product Releases

Flow Cytometer with High Sensitivity, Precision
Wed, 2024-07-31 09:12


The Attune Acoustic Focusing Flow Cytometer from Life Technologies Corporation is designed to deliver higher sensitivity. The cytometer can maintain precise alignment, even at sample rates of up to 1 mL/minute. Alternatively, the cytometer has a slower rate to collect more photons when analyzing dim signals, which translates to better separation and better clarity of results. Data obtained with the cytometer are more precise (narrower fluorescence peaks) than data obtained with traditional hydrodynamic focusing instruments, resulting in greater separation and easier data interpretation. Switching to highest sensitivity mode, the cytometer can detect beads that were too faint for a conventional flow cytometer’s detectors. Its free and intuitive software allows you to analyze data from any computer, anywhere, at any time. Other product benefits include:

  • Precision and sensitivity at all sample rates
  • Rare-event detection 10 times faster than conventional cytometers
  • Easy to maintain with less down time
  • Free software, plus less sheath fluid and counting beads consumption
  • Automated sample processing for 96-well, 384-well, and deep-well plates

Life Technologies Corporation,

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