Modular Capillary Electrophoresis System
Biophoretics offers a modular capillary electrophoresis with multiple detection and throughput modules. The plug-n-play design provides for upgrades adaptable to changing laboratory needs. Three preset configurations are available; manual, semi-automatic and automatic. To accommodate various throughputs several sample carousels are available for 16, 24 or 32 sample vials with volumes ranging from 10ul to 1.5ml. To meet a variety of applications, three detector options are available including; UV/VIS, LED Induced Fluorescence and Capacitance Coupled Contactless Conductivity. Laser induced fluorescence and external detector capability is available on special request. This modular CE system is desktop sized and controlled via a 5 x7 inch smart touch screen with easy-to-use software. Applied voltages can reach 30KV with automatic reverse polarity and capillary temperature is controlled by Peltier and forced-air cooling to +/- 0.1C.
Biophoretics, Inc., 800-691-6461,