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Life sciences research today is advancing exponentially, each step bringing us closer to the realization of truly personalized medicine–preventive care and treatments designed specifically for each individual. In the near future, PCPGM healthcare researchers expect to be able to use predictive genetic testing to create custom treatment plans for individuals and deliver dramatic improvements over today’s one-size-fits-all approach. But research capabilities are only part of the equation; current storage and operating capacities must also evolve to accommodate ever-expanding amounts of data before the goal of personalized medicine can be realized.

by Richard Kurtz, PhD

Over the years, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has evolved into a readily automated, high throughput quantitative technology. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has become the industry standard for the detection and quantification of nucleic acids for multiple application, including quantification of RNA levels. But a lack of consensus among researchers on how to best perform and interpret qPCR experiments presents a major hurdle for advancement of the technology. This problem is exacerbated by insufficient experimental detail in published work, which impedes the ability of others to accurately evaluate or replicate reported results.

The year 2009 was marked by the emergence of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus that infects humans. There is a need to identify the different strains of influenza virus for purposes of monitoring the H1N1 strain pandemic and for other epidemiological and scientific purposes.


Fluorescence microscopy techniques require a reliable light source at the desired wavelength or wavelengths, with minimal downtime for maintenance and alignment. Lasers are a popular light source, although the alignment and upkeep of laser combiners is a time-consuming prospect for many users.


Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a popular method to separate biomolecules based on their size. Primarily, it is applied to the separation of biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids, i.e. water-soluble polymers.

SeparateIT gels represent a novel gel matrix for DNA electrophoresis. Gel polymers are arranged in a conceptually different way, in accordance with a new theoretical model of gel electrophoresis.


Using ready-to-use ELISA kits from manufacturers is easy and convenient. Sometimes however, home-made ELISA is required because there is no kit available with the right antibodies or the characteristics of the available kits such as their limits of detection are not appropriate.


Using new methods that detect extremely low levels of DNA molecules, researchers investigated the molecular mechanism of action of various commercially available DNA decontamination reagents. They found that when using high concentrations of DNA and short incubation times, none of the conventional reagents destroyed DNA molecules efficiently, despite their corrosive or even toxic properties.

by Axendia

Acording to an Axendia reseach study, the FDA is currently shifting its organizational and technology infrastructures to facilitate electronic interactions with the companies it regulates.

by Ocimum

Tissue Microarray has become a pivotal cog in the wheel for high throughput studies and is an integral part in the validation process for screening results from discovery platforms for expression studies using various approaches.

by Bruker Daltonics

Novel technology embodied in the micrOTOF allows precise measurement of both accurate mass and True Isotopic Pattern (TIP) over a wide dynamic range, allowing for the implementation of an open access system.

by STegmann Systems

Biological or potency assays are frequently analyzed with the help of the parallel-line or parallel-logistic (4 or 5 parameter fit) methods. These methods have major advantages over traditional single-point assays.

by Biotek

The best ideas are born of necessity. Nobody can say which unexpected inventions may arise from such ideas and which markets they may build.


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