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Saving Cells: Image Processing for Improved Viability
Sep 22
This article is Part I of a two-part series regarding viability, resolution improvement, and measurement in fluorescence imaging. Part II will focus on deconvolution.
Characterization of Aequorin Mutant Emission Properties Using Rapid, High-throughput Screening Assays
The protein aequorin is a bioluminescent photoprotein, which emits light in the presence of calcium. This emitted light can be effectively detected using a microplate luminometer, and subsequently characterized using rapid, high throughput screening assays. Since various aequorin mutants have different emission properties, this process can be used to identify the mutant that provides the most desirable bioluminescence emission for the accurate and easy measurement of intracellular calcium concentrations.
Microplate Reader Test Plates Ensure Reliable Microplate Reader Operation
Aug 20
Use of a certified test plate can help to increase efficiency when calibrating microplate readers.
Automated Imaging Assisted Cell Line Development
Aug 19
Improve titer, quality and speed in cell line development.
HP Scalable Network Storage Systems for Life Sciences
Sep 13
Life sciences research today is advancing exponentially, each step bringing us closer to the realization of truly personalized medicine–preventive care and treatments designed specifically for each individual. In the near future, PCPGM healthcare researchers expect to be able to use predictive genetic testing to create custom treatment plans for individuals and deliver dramatic improvements over today’s one-size-fits-all approach. But research capabilities are only part of the equation; current storage and operating capacities must also evolve to accommodate ever-expanding amounts of data before the goal of personalized medicine can be realized.
Step up to the MIQE
Mar 30
Over the years, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has evolved into a readily automated, high throughput quantitative technology. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has become the industry standard for the detection and quantification of nucleic acids for multiple application, including quantification of RNA levels. But a lack of consensus among researchers on how to best perform and interpret qPCR experiments presents a major hurdle for advancement of the technology. This problem is exacerbated by insufficient experimental detail in published work, which impedes the ability of others to accurately evaluate or replicate reported results.
Fast Optimization of a Multiplex Influenza Identification Panel Using a Thermal Gradient
The year 2009 was marked by the emergence of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus that infects humans. There is a need to identify the different strains of influenza virus for purposes of monitoring the H1N1 strain pandemic and for other epidemiological and scientific purposes.
Advantages of Monolithic Laser Combiner Technology in Confocal Microscopy Systems
Jan 6
Fluorescence microscopy techniques require a reliable light source at the desired wavelength or wavelengths, with minimal downtime for maintenance and alignment. Lasers are a popular light source, although the alignment and upkeep of laser combiners is a time-consuming prospect for many users.
Using the Tecan Genesis Workstation to Automate a Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) Immunoassay
Mar 11
The poster describe the process involved in automating a Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) immunoassay developed to measure relative concentrations of serum antibodies against Tetanus (TT), Sperm Whale Myoglobin (SWM) and Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) in KLH-immunized volunteers.
Ensuring Quality in Assays Performed with Automated Liquid Handlers
Feb 2
The focus of this presentation is to highlight the need of ensuring quality in important assays performed with automated liquid handlers. Nearly all assays performed within a laboratory are volume-dependent. In turn, all concentrations of biological and chemical components in these assays, as well as the associated dilution protocols, are volume-dependent. Because analyte concentration is volume-dependent, an assay’s results might be falsely interpreted if liquid handler variability and inaccuracies are unknown or if the system(s) go unchecked for a long period.
Inkjet System for Protein Crystallography
Feb 1
X-ray crystallography is used routinely by scientists to obtain the three dimensional structure of a biological molecule of interest.Such information can be used to determine how a pharmaceutical interacts with a protein target and what changes might improve functionality. However, the crystallization of macromolecules still remains a serious hindrance in structural determination despite impressive advances in screening methods and technologies.
Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity in a Drosophila Memory Mutant
Nov 9 2009
Action selection is modulated by external stimuli either directly or via memory retrieval. In a constantly changing environment, animals have evolved attention-like processes to effectively filter the incoming sensory stream. These attention-like processes, in turn, are modulated by memory. The neurobiological nature of how attention, action selection and memory are inter-connected is unknown. We describe here new phenotypes of the memory mutant radish in the fruit fly Drosophila.
Investigation of serum concentrations and immunohistochemical localization of α1-acid glycoprotein in tumor dogs.
13 hours ago
The purpose of this study was to measure the dynamics of serum α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentration in dogs with various tumors, and to investigate the localization of AGP in some tissues using immunohistochemical staining. Sera were obtained from 171 dogs...
Release and activity of anti-TNFalpha therapeutics from injectable chitosan preparations for local drug delivery.
14 hours ago
Incorporating Ecosystem Function Concept in Environmental Planning and Decision Making by Means of Multi-Criteria Evaluation: The Case-Study of Kalloni, Lesbos, Greece.
17 hours ago
Nature provides life-support services which do not merely constitute the basis for ecosystem integrity but also benefit human societies. The importance of such multiple outputs is often ignored or underestimated in environmental planning and decision making. The...
Transgenic tobacco plants expressing atzA exhibit resistance and strong ability to degrade atrazine.
18 hours ago
Atrazine chlorohydrolase (AtzA) catalyzes hydrolytic dechlorination and can be used in detoxification of atrazine, a herbicide widely employed in the control of broadleaf weeds. In this study, to investigate the potential use of transgenic tobacco plants for...
Prokariotic Cell Collection in Denmark
Nov 6 2009
I would like to know about a prokariotic cell collection in Denmark. Is there a cell bank in this country? I need a Lactobacillus strain for a fermentation assay and this information about the bank is very helpful for me.
Request for Entries
Oct 16 2009
Ask the Experts is your chance to get the answers to questions on applications, materials, methods, processes, and technologies. Email you question to bst_web@advantagemedia.com, and the editors of Bioscience Technology will find an appropriate expert to answer it. Watch this space in the future to see the questions your colleagues are posting.
Align moves to profit in 3Q
6 hours ago
Biota Announces Relenza September Quarter Royalty
ESHRE publishes new PGD guidelines
8 hours ago
Dynavax's HEPLISAV Demonstrates Superior Seroprotection in Diabetics Compared to Engerix-B
Study: Low-dose aspirin may cut colon cancer risk
9 hours ago
Cantel raises dividend
Telementoring may address need for surgical subspecialty expertise in remote locations
10 hours ago
Beckman Coulter Reduces Sample Size Requirements for Particle Analysis System
Oct 18 | News
Kaluza 1.1 from Beckman Coulter Analyzes 10-Million Event Flow Cytometry Files in Real Time
Oct 8 | News
GE Healthcare launches human cardiomyocytes for predictive toxicity testing
Oct 5 | News
Beckman Coulter to Market Trillium Flow Cytometry Assays
Oct 1 | News
Beckman Coulter Exhibits Total Lab Solutions at the 2010 World Stem Cell Summit
Sep 30 | News
Beckman Coulter and Habitat for Humanity Team Up for National Make a Difference Day
Sep 21 | News
Krome Orange from Beckman Coulter Heightens Sensitivity in Multi-color Flow Cytometry
Sep 16 | News
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Viewing SureFocus Slides
Jun 11
A demonstration of SureFocus Microscope Slides in the review of AFB Smears. SureFocus Slides are a patent-pending breakthrough in tuberculosis detection, as their fluorescent staining circle remains visible during review, Fluorescence Microscopy.
Allen Institute for Brain Research
Oct 14 2009
Discussed in this interview are both the mouse brain project and the human cortex project with an emphasis on the importance of these projects to neuroscience research.